From what I remember last year was a pretty eventful year compared to my other years. I'm hoping this this year is even more fun. So lets get started with January...
Hmmm.. January to April 2009 is kind of a
Well in May I do remember me getting my hair done! It was really nice. It was black on the top and gold all underneath. I also remember going crazy for prom that month too. Hmm OH! I also remember me getting my job at Woodie Wood Chucks. I remember the first weeks were really fun but sooner or later in was getting more and more frustrating since it was getting closer to summer and alot of kids were coming out to play. It was also getting stressful because at the same time it was coming close to my hip hop dancing debut :D
Well it didn't go to far lol. I only went for on year and stopped. :( But I always keep saying that I should have continued. Who knows. Maybe I'll get back into it this year ;D
Ahh, beautiful. June = Graduation :D Finally out of high schoool! What else to do but CELEBRATE! How should I celebrate? CUBA of course :)
We got to ride Mopeds around Cuba!
When we came back to the room the maids always folded our blankets really nicely into swans or hearts :)
Alot of the pictures we took came out blurry tho, orther wise I would put up more x(
Hmm, SUMMER! And what would summer be without chilling and having a BBQ with my FRIENDS MMMM and after working up a sweat at a great waterfight how bout a visit to JACKASTOR'S :D
Their salad tastes really good!
This originally came with tomato sauce but I changed it with alfredo sauce. I'm not a fan of tomato =/ But it taste really good too :)
MMM Time for dessert! Ice cream on a cookie. Delicious!
CNE & Wonderland!
AAAAAANNNNNNDDDDD Finally. The last couple months of the year. I finish off with a new hairdo, a tounge peircing, and a PS3! And I guess that's about all the highlites of my 2009` :) So what do you think? Fun? Boring? Lame? Well what did YOU do that was so amazing last year? I just can't wait for the new adventures 2010 has to bring. Especially since i'm turning 19 ;D! Take care! Bee;
Boooo you suck