So, I went to pacific mall couple days ago but it was OVER CROWDED! It was easter sunday and everything else was closed so there alot of tourists there. My intention was really to go look for a wigs but I didnt have that much luck. But I'm gonna go again on a day that's probably not as busy. Like a Thursday lol. So here's what I got. :)

I always needed a bigger pencil case cause my little one was over flowing. (Pencil case, $7.99, Pen, $1.99, card case, $3.99)

I saw this in the snack section and they looked soo cute but then I was confused a bit because i saw the snack was shaped like cheesies but then on the pack it had a picture of a strawberry o.o" So I decided to get them just to see what they were like and it pretty much tasted like.. hmm soft strawberry corn pops. I was tempted to put them in some milk. ($1.50?)

Here we have Tamarind balls, Preserved Plums and Dried Mango. yumm!(All, $1.50 each)

Now these nail polish are actually really tiny lol. Like sample size. (They were 5 for $3.99)
With the yellow I want to try doing a manicure and see what it looks like. Yup, so that was my Easter Sunday.